30 Day Blogging Challenge: Day 20

Day 20: What Makes You Happy

Happy Monday loves! I hope we’ve all had an awesome weekend, I know I did!
If you’re not happy on this blue Monday then let me assist?
If you’ve met me you’d notice that I’m always talking… or laughing or smiling! When I’m not being mean, sarcastic or moody then I’m a happy chappy who loves engaging with people. I’ve been going through a rough patch lately though (as we all do) so I’m going to share some of the things that cheer me up and I hope it inspires you.

1.       New Girl

I love, love, LOVE New Girl! So many of us are going through the same things as young adults. Sometimes silly things, sometimes things we’re overreacting to and sometimes… sometimes big things. And New Girl captures all of it perfectly. I’ve see the girliest of girliest to some of the most masculine men I know enjoy this show, its for everyone.


2.       Food

Food is love and along with N$ are the only form of I love I accept if you wrong me. More on food here, I know some of you reading *cough cough, I’m not mentioning names* owe me nice things so I’ll just attach a link that will help you out.

3.       A Chick Flick

I have a piece covering this, check it out.

4.       A Good Conversation With An Even Better Friend

I love thinking and I think I love talking even more. Conversations with friends that grow me, challenge me… they’re essential to my well being. I can only commit to growth so anyone who can offer it to me has a potential lifelong slot in my heart. If you mess up, refer to point 2.

5.       Ed Sheeran

Ed Sheeran and his guitar strings have been playing in the background of every single love story I’ve lived through. True story. Maybe I’ll write about it someday. He can GET IT. 

6.       Incense.

Maybe it’s because I like Erykah Badu, maybe I feel like I’m on level 100 million of Spiritually Enlightened™ when I burn some, maybe because it smells so damn good. I just know that I love it. If you live in Windhoek you can buy some at Wecke and Voigts for less than N$ 20. Go get your life.

7.       Seeing Young People Win

Young people in Namibia are making MOVES. 
I’m truly blessed to be alive to see it all happening. Also, if you know anybody or any local brands doing the damn thing that you’d like me to write about, send an email please or leave a comment below.

8.       Poetry

Poetry is honestly some warm soup for the soul so it should come as no surprise that my favourite chefs mostly include black women. I did a post on this. Check it out!
Otherwise all I can add is that seeing it performed, writing it, reading it fills me with life.
Nayyirah Waheed says we all have a poem that is our soulmate, mine is:

" I wish I was born with a warning label: I will not be easy
At least then only those who knew what they were getting into, would take the step forward."
–  Tyler Knott Gregson
(An awesome and woke white man who has my heart!)
Here's some more dope poetry to give you LIFE 

9.       Ab-Soul

Ab-Soul is currently my fave rapper, I love him, I DO! He’s the only conscious rapper I’m listening to right now who talks about chakras, black issues and feminism AT THE SAME TIME. Listen to Do What Thou Wilt, I plan on writing a little something about it, too.

10.   My Brother

Nobody is allowed to tell him that he’s included on this list!! 
I have a younger brother, he’s 18 and he’s honestly my favourite human on the planet. One of my favourite jobs is being an older sister and I’m really glad I got him as a sibling, he teaches me so much. He’s really smart and can be rather sensitive and intuitive. I love watching him grow into the man he’s destined to be. He has a feminist sister so he’s no fool but he still challenges me and I learn so much from those conversations. I need my brother, I wouldn’t be who I am without him and seeing his face or getting a Snap/WhatsApp from him make me beam with joy.

 I can add big jerseys, fat cups of tea, rainy days, smiling in the middle of a kiss with someone, being told that I'm loved, swimming, laughing, living, growing, performing, writing!

What makes you happy? Share with me guys, I want to hear your thoughts and opinions!


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