Fear of the Unknown
Let's talk about the girl who doesn't know how to be happy.
She has gotten so used to being sad that she evades pure and utter happiness with excuses and lies - she even takes it as far as sabotaging her ever present happiness.
She holds tightly to the past's cut glass, bleeding profusely but insists that the present is what is giving her scars.
She smiles and is filled with overwhelming joy but actively reminds herself to be sad in case the joy is suddenly stripped away which has happened time and time again.
She goes into her past because there is not much in the present to make her bleed, turns over rocks she has turned over before to find some underlying pain, but the pain she finds is an excuse and she knows it.
The wounds have long healed, but it's so much easier to deal with the pain you know, rather than the mysterious pain lurking in the corner - in the future.
The fear to progress into the unknown keeps her behind, but life stands behind her pushing and shoving her as she tries to plant her feet into the ground.
When she falls and stumbles all she wishes to do is hide.
At some point she will either have to get up and fight her fears.
Or lay down and let them eat away at her until she is nothing.
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