My Swelling Sadness.

You ever just looked at your life and felt dissatisfied?
Knowing that it's in your control but you still feel like this?
I don't know I woke up today and just decided that I cannot keep complaining about my life and need to get up and fix it.
As unnecessary as the world and people may see it, my happiness & misery is for me to feel alone.
I am judged for my happiness as well as for my misery.
Might as well enjoy myself in the meantime.
I honestly believe that if you fight for what you want then all will be well but alas...
Everyone can tell you that what you want is wrong, but you yourself ultimately know what is right for you
Therefore I am on a mission to fall in love with my life.
Every single aspect of it.
I'm not too sure how I will make that happen but...
I'm working on it.


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