Next Time I'll Be Braver - I'll Be My Own Saviour

I feel the most sane when I am writing.
If I'm not writing it because something else is keeping me sane, I don't really want to be sane or I just don't feel like dealing with my insanity.
To write is to face myself.
The demons, the possibilities and the promises.

& I hate it when I look at myself and regret the choices I am making.
In my mind I see the end, the fatal car crash and in fears of preventing it I feel like I ensure that it occurs.
Whenever I feel this way I tell myself that I tried the best I could, that if I keep trying I can fix it.
And that never happens and I just feel awful afterwards.
A lot of the time, I feel like I get it right the first time.
My intuition gives me an answer and I know its right but it's usually scary.
And every time I go against my intuition, things end up being so much worse.
My intuition is usually right.
Maybe always.
And I know this because when I share my intuitive thought about something with someone else I am usually right.
But it's so hard to apply to myself because I am an over thinker by nature.
I over think multiple choice questions on my test
I over think which sweets to pick and why.
I over think my relationships, my friendships.

It's why I write.
Because my mind cannot handle all of these buzzing thoughts all at once.


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