You can love somebody with everything you have.
You can peel yourself open and do everything humanely possible & they will still find you inadequate.
You can bend over backwards until you split your spine in two.
You can carve every morsel of yourself into a cup and offer to share- you can give them all of it and die of thirst and this will still not be enough.
You can love, you can defy the laws of physics.
You could rupture all the vessels in your heart filled with oveflowing love.
You could pull it out of your chest and offer it and will still never be enough.
You will never be enough to somebody who doesn't consider your being worth a thing.
They can love you, maybe love the idea of you but they do not value you.
You are made of stardust and gold.
But this does not matter if their world has no currency or sky.
You pushed yourself to burn as brightly as you could and combusted.
You should never ever allow these people to convince you that you are nothing.
You dared to love, fight and bare it all.
You are brave..
Your heart is big.
You are enough.
You will be enough.
For someone.
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