
I looked at my last piece and was like hmm... no this is too depressing.
I'm far too optimistic a being to leave my blog on such a depressing note at the end of the year.
I'm not going to be nostalgic like I usually am at the end of the year...
No... I'm doing this differently.

I did this personality quiz a few years back (okay. was forced to.)
The MBTI quiz.
I took it again because I thought *maybe* my personality type changed.
I didn't really do research after the first time but when I got my results which were the same, decided to.
Okay, so I'm an INFP (Introversion, iNtuition, Feeling, Perception ) which apparently only makes up 4% of the population.
Which means that not only are we emotional but deeply misunderstood because hey not only are we introverts but few and far between.
Don't get me wrong, I don't need tests telling me who I am.
But when the results of your quiz start touching on emotions that some people close to you don't even know that you feel, it's quite something.
I've dove right into research and stuff because some of these things ring so true and researching them is kind of like researching myself.
I came across this Pinterest board that had a lot of pics and quotes that I agreed with.
I have always felt misunderstood (see older blog posts.)
& lately, feel like I even misunderstand myself.
So I decided to write this.
I always turn this emotion into words with the hopes that another soul that feels misunderstood too can feel like there's someone, somewhere that get's it.
Kind of.
These posts made me feel nice because... well... whoever made them gets how I feel.
I wonder if I'm ever going to come across people in real life/ my life who can
a) Understand (or at least try to) how I feel and how sensitive I am
& b) be able to consider me or (please Lord) be able to emotionally support me.

I need to make INFP, maybe ISFJ friends but...we are introverts so how will that happen?
We'll find out in the upcoming year of my life! (Hopefully.)


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