Stonehenge Towers.

Brick by brick
And stone by stone
By any means necessary, blood or soul.
I build these walls around myself
with all of the assurity 
that I am enough for myself
& everyday people try and tear them down
Rip them clean
Bleed me out.
What they don't seem to understand is that when it comes to love I have no doubts
And every ripped up bit of my soul was used to make each brick and stone
And instead of ambushing me
with wreck hammers, sledges and TNT
why not rather sit down and have a real conversation with me
about how deep my waters run
And the colors of my soul?
Why not rather
with nothing but compassion
show me that if I'm raw, if I'm vulnerable
you would never take it for granted
that you would treat my vulnerability as tenderly as that I do not have the words to ask for.
Why not sit by
with loving hands only
and ask me why I'm so tender
where I'm so tender
and as you figure this watch me shed for you
Brick by brick
& stone by stone.


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