The Human Experience.

An ode to the Captain Robin Williams who said, "You're only given one little spark of madness, you mustn't lose it."

We need to be mad enough to believe that in our individual ways can bring change to the world and suffocate the system that lives on our passiveness.
A system that affirms a better living and your dignity with physical things.
Are they worth precious moments lost like your daughter taking her first steps, time taken for granted on your death bed & the constant compromises with your soul each time you casually diminish human life?

Do you really want to be a cog in a system that cares very little for the individual parts? 
Who told the world that it was okay to make it's inhabitants prisoners, some with steel shackles and others with linked gold watches that deceive them into believing that money and power are the only things necessary to saturate souls?
How come nobody has told the people who run corporations that suck the value of life from those with limited earthly things that their hunger for what the want turn them into black holes ruining the value of lives
 Our planet and the human perception of gods.
How can their hunger be satisfied if before it can even attempt to, it consumes everything that we know, human compassion & eventually the only home planet we have ever know?

Does anybody realize that as a specie we are devaluing any and everything that we know at this level of being? 
That we are attempting to quantify the value of things that have been given to us freely. we look at each other with judgmental eyes concerned with who can occupy what land, who can breathe which air, who's intentions are pure enough for the gods when at a primal level where money is just paper, laws are simply suggestions and the gods are asleep, we have all been given equal rights to these things.

So before you surrender your heart, body, soul, mind and the children you have not yet birthed to a system that cares none for you but to put a dollar sign value to all that you are & what you have to offer
 Before you become a victim or a power monger, ask yourself if you represent the part of humanity that leads us to our inevitable demise or the side of humanity armed with words, ideas and madness that can change the world. 
After all, what is power and money when bartering for your soul, for the souls of those who inhabit this planet with you & those who might never get a chance to.


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