Soulmates or Strangers?

I've read that soulmates in the same room move to the same rhythm, would this explain why the room feels different with your presence or absence whether I'm aware of it or not? Or is that just something that happens when people who once knew each other's bodies become strangers?

I'm trying to explain to myself that this heartache is unnecessary, I'm trying to lie to myself about everything that that it was, I'm trying to walk around like my ribs aren't being crushed by the expansion & motion of my heart in my chest. That's when he puts his hand in his hair, I simply recall how when he touched my body it was as if I was a Shakespearean sonnet written in braille. I'm trying to walk around like when I hear his voice I don't shatter in remembrance of the pillow talk that we often had. How am I expected to explain to my soul that it's whisperer is no longer present & that it will have to bottle up, convert or whatever it is that souls do with love lost?

How should I explain to my bed that a weight it once knew will never be felt again & that his body against mine in time will be a story told between my sheets like a myth? How do I explain to my bones that it's constant breaking to make room for him in me was a waste? Worse yet, how do I even begin to heal them? Everything in me whispered warnings on how this is how men leave you & begged me to stop harming it, us- for men who will not stay.

Anyway... back to my point. I'm expected to purge him out of my system as if he was never here, as if I never questioned his validity as my soulmate.
Like electricity still doesn't surge through my entire being when he walks into the room or... is that just because he's becoming a stranger that I once knew?


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