30 Day Blogging Challenge: Day 5

Day 5: Your Proudest Moment

I'm still a young 20 something, I'm not sure I have a proudest moment yet. 
I mean there are people out there getting their law degrees at 18 and people are having babies and people are opening companies and me... Well I'm still figuring this life thing out. Which is okay, comparison is a form of self hate. Also my life is my own race! So I don't know what I could say my proudest moment is. I have a million tiny proud moments every day. When I break a bad habit (even if only this time...), when I have a good attitude all day, when I conquer a challenge, when I'm gentle towards myself, when I express love for others and myself in healthy manner, when I'm a good sister, when I'm a good daughter, friend, student, lover... So I guess this is my proudest moment. The moment I realized that I'm trying to make my life a collective series of proud moments. 


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