30 Day Blogging Challenge: Day 17

Day 17: Your Favourite Blogs

Sorry I took so long with this post, I had to ACTUALLY catch up with my favourite bloggers to make this post worthwhile so… I figured that ya’ll could wait a bit?
Many of my favourite bloggers have retired (CRY with me!) so I’ve had to go look for new ones. Doing this blogging challenge has earned me some wonderful support and I’m so grateful! I went to Spoken Word and like 5 people told me how they’re keeping up with my challenge and I’m awed and humbled, thank you all so much! Quite a bit of support has come from OTHER bloggers so I’ve been stalking them because I need that good good, too. There are SOOOO many amazing Namibian bloggers, generally amazing local content so I’ll do ya’ll a favour and give you a chance to FIND THEM, you’re welcome! I keep up with a range of different bloggers depending on what content I need or what my life looks like. All these people are dope, stalk them all. Online please. They’re worth it. I promise! This list is in no particular order because I love them all plenty and equally.

Beauty Boois

Right I HAD to start with Beauty since I saw her at Spoken Word rehearsals recently (GUYS keep your eyes on me, I’m doing the most!).
Beauty is a mom, a yogi, a graduate, a poet, a Virgo Vixen, proof that black girl magic is REAL! I admire and respect her very much and I turn to her blog when I need to indulge in self-care, self-love.  Her blog is great for the soul. Essential if you’re a black girl.


Else Victoria

She’s the blogger on this list that I’ve been keeping up with for the longest! I don’t even remember how I found her but I did. Victoria is a fashion blogger. We don’t have NEARLY enough dark skinned girls in the fashion industry AT ALL and this was the first time I saw a black girl in this sense IN MY LIFE! Casual, beautiful, confident and most importantly, fashionable. I was like “damn ma” out here loving yourself and stunting your style on us. YAAAAAAS!!! I stay amazed and a fan. I’m currently figuring my own style and aesthetic out and watching her find establish own is assisting me in finding my own, too. She has really taken the time to master her craft while representing a group that NEEDS representation. A Queen. A Goddess. More Black Girl Magic™


Wayera is definitely one of the most interesting people I’ve come to meet in the past year (top 5, top 5, top 5!).
I didn’t know she was serious with blogging until she started her 30 day challenge (I helped inspire that just a little bit, she says.).
I’m not sure if she intended this but she created a beautiful space where I FEEL like I know what her vulnerability looks like, where I feel safe to question my own, embrace it even. She’s honest and soft but still has that grit that makes me feel like she’s strong… like I can be strong while simultaneously being soft. She’s on day 10 of her challenge, if you haven’t been keeping up then I guess “better late than never” applies.

Dean-Marlo Titus

So Dean has (hopefully temporarily) quit Twitter and I guess that gave him time to blog so I had to check WHAT’S UP because I’ve always known he was blessed with writing poetry. Blogging couldn’t be far behind. Dean is… transparent, petty and beautiful and his blog reflects it. He’s currently doing his own 30 day Blogging challenge (hmmmm…. I wonder where he got the idea?) so again if you’re late, better late than never!
I’m expecting many great things from this blog, so let’s all keep an eye out.

Saraa Namafu Mwalengwa Amutse

Saraa is… What can I say? I scroll through Saraa’s blog when I feel like an awkward, creative and strange human and she reminds me that I’m not alone! She just finished her blogging challenge and she started after me… guys this girl puts in that WORK and produces content like the charming machine she is! She’s been pushing religiously, keeping up with and putting bloggers ON! She’s like my blogging sister and I love her, okay? Okay.

Ashwyn Mberi

We all know Ashwyn is super talented. If you don’t know I’m here to fix your life and inform you that he’s an actor, MC, poet, tv presenter… The Jack of All Stages. I look up to him, he works hard and is talented to boot, he can perform, present and still find the time to break down some of the complexities of his mind for us on his blog. I check this blog out when I need inspiration, when I need to correct my work ethic. Black Boy Magic and he's never afraid to remind you.

Emily Kandanga

I found Emily because Saraa put me OOOOON! When I found her Instagram I was hesitant, she posts her workouts there and I was just like…………….. I’m not fit enough for this? But her link fascinated me so I followed it and discovered that she’s ALSO a fashion & lifestyle blogger (whew, less pressure!). I find her charming, warm with an edge unique to only her. The second I found “Kooky Things Women Do When Their Period is Late", I sighed a breathe of relief, thanking the Gods for finding a blogger who discusses the awkward bits and how to get your body to look exactly how you’d like it. She inspires me to be better and I’m grateful.


So that's it guys, this is the final stretch of my challenge so let's get it, let's get it! 


  1. You wrote about everyone so beautifully. Thank you for even including me in this. btw, I'm really digging the music on your blog! Noice!

  2. I read this when you first posted it, and I just thought about it, today, again. Thank you for this post. It does mean a lot to me. I have a lot of learning to do when it comes to blogging, but you have been somewhat of an inspiration. I have been going through both your blogs and I am heavily influenced by you, Lynn. Thank you for constantly encouraging and influencing me with your work. Thanks for the words of encouragement, you may not think that it is there, but trust me, love, your words have been a blessing. The way you describe me, is definitely what I am ... PETTY :-) Thank you, Lynn.


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